Building smart? APS has a rebate for that
Installing energy-efficient equipment during new construction and major renovation projects can help you improve operations, effectively manage energy consumption and save money. With APS Solutions for Business, you can find ways to earn rebates for building highly efficient commercial buildings.
Building smart? APS has a rebate for that​
Installing energy-efficient equipment during new construction and major renovation projects can help you improve operations, effectively manage energy consumption and save money. With APS Solutions for Business, you can find ways to earn rebates for building highly efficient commercial buildings.​
Find rebates for your projects
Discover if your upcoming or recently completed energy-saving project qualifies for a rebate. Choose from two paths. Path 1 offers Standard and Custom rebates for individual equipment installed at the facility. Path 2 utilizes a whole-building approach during both modeling and post-construction phases.

Start your Online Application​

Create, manage and submit eligible new construction projects with ease using the APS Online Application. ​

Partner with a Trade Ally

Connect with an energy advisor​​

Our energy advisors can help you start your Online Application and identify the best participation path for your project.

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